Friday, October 5, 2007

mixed facts

The tallest woman that ever lived was Zeng Jinlian who was 8 feet 2 inches tall of China. Shed died at the age of 17.

The tallest woman in the world is American Sandy Allen who is 7 feet 7 inches.

The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe.

The tallest freestanding sculpture in the world is Chief Crazy Horse in South Dakota, USA.

The Taj Mahal was actually built for use as a tomb.

The Super Bowl is so popular that it is the number on at-home party event of the year.

The Super Bowl is broadcast to over 182 countries in the world.

The sun shrinks five feet every hour.

The sun is approximately 75% hydrogen, 25% helium by mass.

The sun is approximately 149 million kilometres from the earth.

The substance that gives red wine and dark beer its color is said to have a positive effects on cholesterol and blood pressure.

The study of twins is known as gemellology.

The study of the iris of the eye is called iridology.

The study of ants is called Myrmecology.

The stringy thing that is seen in egg whites is called “chalazae.”

The strike note of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is e-flat.

The story of Mulan had been told in China for almost 1,500 years before Disney decided to make it into an animated movie.

The stomach of an adult can hold 1.5 liters of material.

The state that has the most diners in the world is New Jersey, which is referred to as the “Diner Capital of the World.”

The state that grows the most cranberries is Wisconsin. More than 300 million pounds of cranberries are grown in Wisconsin.

The state of Tennessee was known as Franklin before 1796.

The state of California has more 7-Eleven stores than any other state. There are approximately 1,200 stores.

The state of Alaska has almost twice as many caribou as people.

The stapler was invented in Spring Valley, Minnesota.

The Stanley Cup originally was only seven and a half inches high.

The stage were the television sitcom “Friends” is shot on is said to be haunted.

The Spring peeper (a frog) can survive the winter season with 65% of its body water as ice.

The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the “water displacing” substance.

The sport of surfing originated in Hawaii.

The sport Lacrosse was initially played by Native American Indians. They played the sport to prepare for war.

The spider used in the 2002 movie Spider-Man was a Steatoda spider, not a black widow. The spider was given anaesthesia, and was then painted blue and red.

The sperm count of an average American male compared to thirty years ago is down thirty percent.

The speed of sound must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom.

The speed at which honey bees fly is at 15 miles per hour.

The space between your eyebrows is called the Glabella.

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in Jello
The sound made by the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe is so loud that it can be heard 40 miles away.

The sound made by the toadfish when mating underwater is so loud that it can be heard by humans on the shore.

The sole purpose of a drone bee is to mate with the queen bee.

The snow leopard protects itself from extreme cold when it sleeps by wrapping its 3-foot-long tail around its nose.

The smoke that is produced by a fire kills more people than a burn does because of carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases.

The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial muscles.

The smallest will ever written was 3.8 cm in diameter. It had 40 words written on it and was signed by two witnesses.

The smallest stamp in the world was issued in 1863 by the Columbian state of Bolivar and measured 9.5 x 8mm.

The smallest frog is the “Brazilian baby frog”, which is smaller than a dime.

The smallest bone in the human body is the stirrup bone, which is located in the ear.

The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes bone which is located in the ear.

The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. The bird is 2.24 inches long.

The small intestine in the human body is about 2 inches around, and 22 feet long.

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